Research and subscriptions

Our research is published as reports which are organised into five channels. Clients can subscribe to any combination of research channels. Reports are also available on an individual basis.


Research streams

UK Wealth Management

For companies looking to understand the structure and trends within the wealth management market.

UK Financial Advisers

For companies looking to understand the developments and trends within the UK financial advice market.

UK Adviser Platforms

For companies looking to understand assets and trends within the adviser platform market.


For companies looking to understand the market of online investment services and the growing significance of digital distribution.

European Fund Distribution

For companies looking to understand fund distribution across Continental Europe and the UK.

Subscription packages


Full UK and Europe

Access to all of Platforum’s research.


Full UK

Access to all of Platforum’s UK research.


UK Fund Distribution

Our UK research specifically covering the distribution of investments across retail channels, plus an annual summary bringing it all together.


UK Market Overview

Overview reports for each UK distribution channel: wealth management, financial advisers, adviser platforms and D2C.

Benefits of subscription:

Understanding how investment distribution markets are evolving

Benchmarking versus competitors

Identifying opportunities and threats

Credible third-party data for use internally and externally

Your subscription will include:

Access to our online portal – downloadable reports, data sheets, presentations and on-demand webinars.

Virtual analyst briefings – research from publications presented and challenged in Q&A.

Annual presentation or consulting workshop, delivered by our analysts in your UK office or by video conference.

Does your company already subscribe?

If you’re unsure, submit your details below and we’ll get back to you.

Interested in subscribing?

Speak to a member of the team.