For companies looking to understand this investment distribution channel
Market size, participants, developments and trends for online investing services. We compare a wide range of direct-to-consumer (D2C) services and analyse how product providers optimise distribution through them.

Market Overview
Presents a detailed picture of D2C addressable market and market characteristics including assets, customer numbers and flows. Growth trends and market themes identified from interviews with senior managers at leading online investing services. Full profiles of the largest non-advised investment services.
Investment Distribution
This report showcases how content and investment guidance influence investment distribution through D2C services, including select lists, ready-made portfolios and multi-asset solutions. Identifies opportunities for asset managers to optimise their distribution through digital channels.

Investor Experience
We use live accounts to examine online investing services from the end-customer’s perspective. We look at examples of user experience best practise and how services are evolving for increasingly digital investors. Includes a mid-year UK D2C data update.
UK Consumer Insights
Behaviours and views of the end investor including self-directed, advised and non-investors and sizing the UK retail investing opportunity. Available to subscribers of any UK research.