UK Wealth Management
For companies looking to understand this investment distribution channel
Market characteristics, developments and trends, covering direct distribution of discretionary and other wealth management services to private clients and via third-party advisers. Identifies opportunities and threats, while supporting strategy and proposition development.

Market Overview
Analysis of the market size and structure, with market share for top firms and analysis of major distribution trends. Reviews how assets are split between different business segments and year-on-year changes. Covers business model evolution through vertical integration, the rise of financial planning and response to regulation.
Platform MPS
Analyses distribution of platform-based model portfolio services via third-party advisers. Identifies leading providers and includes overall market size/growth rate, assessment of MPS types, pricing analysis and benchmarking of MPS providers. Insight into key trends such as tailored/custom MPS and how adviser preferences are evolving.

Investment Distribution
This report delves into how wealth managers are running portfolios and the investment products included across bespoke and model portfolio services. Analysis of the composition of investment solutions, including the asset managers featuring most prominently in in-house funds-of-funds and sub-advised funds. Insight into the latest thinking on fund selection criteria and product types such as ETFs and private assets.
UK Consumer Insights
Behaviours and views of the end investor including self-directed, advised and non-investors and sizing the UK retail investing opportunity. Available to subscribers of any UK research.