European Fund Distribution

For companies looking to understand this investment distribution channel

Identifies how third-party funds are taken to market across Europe and in each of the main jurisdictions. Overviews market size, participants, developments and trends.


Analysis of the pan-European platform market including assets, growth, evolving business/service models, key trends, investment solutions and technology. Covering developments in the cross-border institutional platform market (B2B institutional) and its impact on the distribution value chain. Domestic B2B adviser platform markets are covered in the UK, Germany and France. We include data on the main B2C/D2C providers in each country. Includes results of a survey of asset managers on their views of platforms.

Routes to Market

Pan-European view of asset flows as well as regulatory and product trends. Country-by-country analysis of the shifting dynamics of third-party fund distribution across distribution channels (retail and private banks, wealth managers, IFAs, pensions, insurance, B2C). Topics include the impact of regulation and changes in product preferences. We size and reveal opportunities for fund distribution, based on industry interviews and key data about fund flows and distributor AUA by country/channel.

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