by Richard Bradley | 09 December 2022 | Bespoke, UK Adviser Platforms
The platform market has reached a point of inflection in which platforms will be treated less like products for individual clients and more like investment services that work for the benefit of both investors and their advisers. Legacy platforms will need to adapt or...
by William Moss | 02 December 2022 | UK Adviser Platforms
There’s a lack of transparency around adviser platform pricing, which could be undermining competition in this crucial market, according to our latest UK Adviser Platforms: Pricing report. Pricing structures can be complex and confusing and are often poorly...
by William Moss | 02 September 2022 | UK Adviser Platforms
Advisers put the bulk of their clients’ assets on platforms for a few main reasons: access to multiple tax wrappers as well as better portfolio management and reporting capabilities. However, what lies behind an adviser’s decision to use a particular platform? We...
by Richard Bradley | 18 March 2022 | UK Adviser Platforms
The adviser platform market is more sluggish and less competitive than one might have expected from the number of players and the greater ease of moving assets between platforms. A steady but slow decline in platform charges has continued in the last couple of years,...
by Richard Bradley | 05 November 2021 | UK Adviser Platforms, UK Financial Advisers
It’s getting harder to benchmark adviser platforms on price. Platforms’ rate card pricing structures are relatively simple in isolation, but it’s nigh on impossible to compare multiple platforms directly – tiers, bands, flat fees, ad valorem fees all kick in at...
by Andrew Ashwood | 20 August 2021 | UK Adviser Platforms
Platform M&A activity doesn’t have the greatest impact on adviser behaviour – not immediately at least. Advisers will of course take notice, but there isn’t a red flag instantly halting all business to a platform just because it is being sold or merged. Such news...