Our regular round-up of the latest insights on investment distribution
More on fees and charges
This week Heather Hopkins (@heatherahopkins) and Sophie Huang consider fees, transparency and the case for financial planning. How do IFAs select DFMs? A round of golf, a dinner a few times a year – these are some of the ways that the old school DFMs describe their...
Sophie Huang and Heather Hopkins 09 October 2015
Alliance Trust Savings Adviser Platform Review
Click here to read our view of Alliance Trust Savings' adviser platform proposition. The flat fee model is gaining traction and the firm is increasingly focussed on adviser platform assets. We expect to see some acquisitions in the near future for this ambitious...
Heather Hopkins 09 October 2015
Platforum Awards 2015
Today Platforum recognises the leaders in the retail investment platform market for excellence in the eyes of customers. Platforum awards are unique in that they are based on research and reflect the opinions and experiences of actual investors and financial...
Heather Hopkins 05 October 2015
Rate your platform.
Each quarter we survey financial advisers about the platforms they work with. Please rate your platform and receive a summary of the research findings as a thank you. Survey closes 16th October – so have your voice heard now! CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT THE...
Heather Hopkins 05 October 2015
The Grey Glide
Today, Heather Hopkins (@heatherahopkins), Research Director for Platforum, revels in the afterglow of Platforum 2015 -- and elaborates on the concept of “The Grey Glide” Platforum 2015, our ninth annual conference, is behind us. As I sip my coffee (and gobble...
Heather Hopkins 02 October 2015
Who would you trust with your money?
This week, Heather Hopkins (@heatherahopkins), the Research Director for Platforum, talks about vertical integration and digital engagement. With less than a week until our annual conference on October 1st, we are dutifully preparing our remarks, double-checking...
Heather Hopkins 25 September 2015