Our regular round-up of the latest insights on investment distribution

Are platforms ready for action on retirement?

Yesterday I went for coffee with a senior contact from the asset management arm of a major pension provider. It’s always interesting to chat to a fellow pensions geek but I was really struck by one comment that he made. In his view, pensions are really just an...

The cross-border factor

‘In’ or ‘out’ was a hot topic around the tables at Money Marketing’s investment industry shindig last night. Contrary to popular belief, it is hard to see Brexit rolling back red tape for retail investment distribution. This is an area where UK domestic rulemaking...

Investing in the shadow of the referendum

The shadow of the referendum in three weeks' time looms over investment decision-making. Faced with a client who has cash to invest, what should an adviser do now? Wait till after the poll, invest now or invest some now and then some later? The issue brings into...

Technology and access to advice

Is technology the silver bullet to boosting access to advice? This was the topic of a panel I chaired yesterday at the Money Marketing Interactive conference, where the use of technology was a common thread throughout the day. Growth rates for US robo advice...

The Platforum European Fund Distribution Seminar

Viewed from New York or Tokyo, Europe may look like a single market for investment services. But a closer look - like the exercise Platforum has been running for several years examining the European Fund Distribution Market - makes it quite clear that homogeneity...