Our regular round-up of the latest insights on investment distribution
Autumn Statement: Putting Grey Gliders in a jam
Philip Hammond appeared to avoid throwing any deliberate hand grenades this Autumn Statement but reducing the Money Purchase Annual Allowance –the amount you can save into a pension once you have taken money out of it – may turn out to be more explosive than the...
Miranda Seath 25 November 2016
The Big Interview: Nucleus’ chair on how to make money out of platforms
Read the full article in Money Marketing.
Heather Hopkins 21 November 2016
Asset management to be more competitive… but uncapped
The FCA had a hunch that the asset management industry might be vulnerable to charges of fat cattery and that view is confirmed today in the interim report of the Asset Management Market Study. In the subtly understated words of Andrew Bailey this morning: “This is...
Jeremy Fawcett 18 November 2016
Platforms as “guiders”
Earlier this week – before I drowned myself in dark chocolate and red wine in an attempt to make sense of the world – we held a roundtable in London with platforms, asset management firms and financial advisory firms about tracker funds and ETFs. One attendee...
Heather Hopkins 11 November 2016
New era of platform tech will lead to next wave of price cuts
Following this week’s publication of our Adviser Platform Pricing Guide, we focus on what adviser platforms are charging for their services. We think that the right conditions exist for platform pricing to take a further step downwards, driven by competitive...
Andrew Ashwood 04 November 2016
Let’s get digital
My wife often quips, “Your phone won’t grow old but I will!” And the fact is that we have all become addicted to our mobile phones. Nearly everyone (about 80% of the population) in Britain now owns a smartphone. 52% scramble to grab their phone within 15 minutes of...
Arun Shrestha 28 October 2016