Our regular round-up of the latest insights on investment distribution
DB to DC transfers
Among the avalanche of ‘terms of reference’, consultation papers and policy statements coming from the FCA this summer (a little light reading for the train to Cornwall on this Friday’s staycation weekend!) is CP 17/16: Advising on pension transfers. The current...
Miranda Seath 04 August 2017
Model portfolios: regulatory responsibility, MiFID II and fees and charges
Some advisers claim that outsourcing investment selection reduces risk and the requirement to give suitable advice. We think that is wrong. Today I’ll make the case that regulatory responsibility sits with the adviser. I’ll also tackle MiFID II and the new duty to...
Heather Hopkins 28 July 2017
Retirement income: Is it time to change the conversation?
When I imagine my twilight years, I am not sitting in a cramped flat watching ‘Homes under the Hammer’. Rather I am making that once-in-a lifetime trip on the Trans-Siberian Express all the way to Vladivostok (this may just be me…?). But is retirement...
Miranda Seath 21 July 2017
Ten of our favourite nuggets of data from recent Platforum research
This week Heather Hopkins (@heatherahopkins), Head of Platforum, shares ten of our favourite stats from recent Platforum (@theplatforum) research. To help us ease into the weekend and because we all have enough to read (my pile includes this week’s 122 page FCA...
Heather Hopkins 17 July 2017
Keeping up with the consumer – the future of financial advice is AI
We may hit peak oil before 2020 after which production goes into terminal decline. At the D2C & Digital Investing conference last week, it was suggested by Econsultancy founder, Ashley Friedlein, that we have already hit peak CDO – the point at which the Chief...
Jeremy Fawcett 07 July 2017
Asset Management Market Study Final Report: damp squib or industry fireworks?
Asset managers' profits are too high according to the FCA. That's the clear message in the Asset Management Market Study Final Report that the regulator published this week. The question is will their proposals make much of a difference? At Platforum’s D2C &...
Danby Bloch 30 June 2017