Our regular round-up of the latest insights on investment distribution

Select Lists and Select Committees

With the Woodford furore well into its second week, the focus has moved onto platforms. Hargreaves Lansdown has a list of questions from the Treasury Select Committee to answer by next Tuesday. How often are select list inclusions considered and what impact do they...

Woodford’s liquidity crisis

Many investment professionals were promoting the Woodford Equity Income fund to investors, so what are the practical implications of the gating debacle for the retail channel? Platforum data on direct platform select lists shows that at the start of 2018, Woodford...

European platforms as data businesses

If the role of the EU’s Financial Services Action Plan is to harmonise financial services across Europe, then MiFID II is, so far, hardly a roaring success. National interpretations of the rules differ, there are carve outs for segments of the industry and...

The raging debate on retirement income

The debate around how to generate sustainable retirement income has continued to rage this week. Pre-pension freedoms, this problem hardly existed: the requirement of a base level of guaranteed income before accessing flexible drawdown effectively excluded all but...

Delivering retirement income

For all but the wealthiest, generating enough income to meet wants and needs in retirement, is not straightforward. For advisers, building reliable strategies to provide that whole of life income is a major challenge. ONS data shows a rapid shift in the coming...