Demand for advice bounces back

New Year, new research. Platforum welcomes in 2018 with our latest Consumer Insights report published earlier this week. We continue to track investor involvement with investments, or in other words, whether they are self‐directed, entirely reliant on expert advice or...

Crystal clear

In our latest wave of consumer research, we find that just over a third of investors are clear about how much they pay for their fund investments. If anything, this self-reported perception may be too high. Fund fees are probably still too complicated for most...

The seven trillion pound opportunity

It’s 60 shopping days until the implementation of MiFID II. The directive is set to impact fund pricing, transparency, advice models and third-party product offering. With the RDR in place since 2013, the UK investment industry is ahead of the game in many ways,...

European perceptions of financial advice

Over a third of European investors who say they deal with their investments entirely by themselves are actually paying for advice. This is a striking finding from our latest report European Consumer Insights: Behaviours, Propositions and Digital Engagement. Our...