by Richard Bradley | 21 June 2019 | Europe
We’re seeing a slow rise in the use of clean share classes across Europe, challenging the existing business models of many platforms. And, unfortunately, we can’t look to the UK for a hint of where we’ll end up. While clean share classes are more or less ubiquitous in...
by Richard Bradley | 31 May 2019 | Europe
If the role of the EU’s Financial Services Action Plan is to harmonise financial services across Europe, then MiFID II is, so far, hardly a roaring success. National interpretations of the rules differ, there are carve outs for segments of the industry and lobbyists...
by Richard Bradley | 24 May 2019 | UK Financial Advisers
The debate around how to generate sustainable retirement income has continued to rage this week. Pre-pension freedoms, this problem hardly existed: the requirement of a base level of guaranteed income before accessing flexible drawdown effectively excluded all but the...
by Richard Bradley | 03 May 2019 | UK Financial Advisers
I started a pension transfer at lunchtime last Wednesday. It took me a total of seven minutes to log into AJ Bell Youinvest and ask (all online) to transfer an Aviva workplace pension into my SIPP. I had an immediate email confirming my request; Aviva had closed my...
by Richard Bradley | 26 April 2019 | UK Financial Advisers
Clients typically have the highest amount of assets and the greatest complexity in managing them at retirement. This presents opportunities for advisers. Furthermore, most advised clients are over 55, and a third are already in decumulation. Decumulation is a...