Budget nuggets for the investment industry

Tucked away in spreadsheet Phil’s Budget were a few nuggets – good and bad – that will impact on the retail financial services industry and its clients. UK life assurance bonds (and endowment policies) have now become a tad less tax efficient with the abolition of...

Major rebrands and adviser platform growth

With the loss of two big name brands in the adviser platform sector, the Platforum assets under administration tables are going to have something of a different look and feel about them. This weekend the England rugby team will line up against Australia in the Old...

Platform Integration: Connecting the Dots

There are significant changes occurring across numerous sectors in our industry, with many requiring the development of digital services to make them effective. What is crucial is that as those developments progress we continue to put the consumer’s interests at the...

Impact of MiFID II on adviser charging

MiFID II will concentrate financial advisers’ minds wonderfully on how they charge their clients on an ongoing basis – and how they present those charges. Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that most advisers haven’t yet woken up to their new responsibilities with...

The seven trillion pound opportunity

It’s 60 shopping days until the implementation of MiFID II. The directive is set to impact fund pricing, transparency, advice models and third-party product offering. With the RDR in place since 2013, the UK investment industry is ahead of the game in many ways,...