UK Adviser Platforms
For companies looking to understand this investment distribution channel
Market size, participants, developments and trends for investment platforms used by financial advisers and how they influence investment distribution. Each report includes a quarterly platform data release showing performance based on AUA, sales and adviser opinion.
Market Overview
Analysis of the size and structure of the adviser platform market and where it is going. We look at platform technology and where developments are having greatest impact on leaders and laggers. We consider how advisers are changing their use of platforms and what they want from them as well as what they think of individual platform services. Includes quarterly adviser platform data release and adviser reviews – Q4 2024 data.
Investment Distribution
Covers investment availability across platforms – including funds, ETFs and investment trusts – as well as detailing the in-house and third-party discretionary services on offer. Includes quarterly adviser platform data release and adviser reviews – Q1 2025 data.
Platform Selection
Analyses how advisers decide on their platform strategy and choose the platforms they use. Updates on functionality offered by different platforms and advisers’ views about what drives them to switch – what attracts and what repels. Includes quarterly adviser platform data release and adviser reviews – Q2 2025 data.
This report makes comparisons, describes trends and predicts future directions in platform pricing. With the rise of bespoke platform pricing and in-house platforms, where will platforms fit in the value chain? Includes quarterly adviser platform data release and adviser reviews – Q3 2025 data.
UK Consumer Insights
Behaviours and views of the end investor including self-directed, advised and non-investors and sizing the UK retail investing opportunity. Available to subscribers of any UK research.